Unearth the untapped potential that lies within your dealership operations with our revolutionary vehicle pickup and delivery service.

Become a leader in customer-centric service: Start your free trial today!



Customer Retention
Give your customers the transparency they’re used to and "wow" them with a customer experience that your  local competition can't match.
Increase Profitability
Dealership customers who have their vehicle picked up from their home typically spend twice as much on Repair Orders compared to the rest.
Improve Efficiency
Bring in customers more efficiently and speed up the check-in process by completing it at home. Simplify your loaner car team's routines.
Reduce the waste created by inefficient processes by implementing technology to help, like using Quickride to manage/schedule appointments!

Implementing Vehicle Pickup & Delivery for the first time?

Quickride can simplify and energize your new processes.

Take a huge leap into the future with Quickride's advanced Jobs Management Platform - a powerful combination of appointment management, customer communication, and driver tools to help complete vehicle pickups & deliveries in a timely and efficient manner. With Quickride's at your fingertips, you're set to win the prize for providing a stellar and unique customer experience.


Streamlined Operations-1

Streamlined Operations

Quickride's advanced technology simplifies scheduling, routing, and tracking for pickup and delivery services, optimizing dealership workflow. This direct enhancement in operational efficiency is a key factor to catch a Service Manager's attention when it comes to selecting a reliable solution for their dealership.


Superior Customer Experience-1

Superior Customer Experience

Emphasizing on customer convenience and satisfaction, Quickride offers real-time communication features, ensuring customers receive vital updates throughout the service process. This focus on elevating customer experiences is a crucial attribute that Service Managers appreciate and seek in solutions to amplify their dealership operations.


User-Friendly Interface

Intuitive, User-Friendly Interface

Quickride's platform is designed for easy adaptability, allowing dealership teams to proficiently manage shuttle and concierge services with ease. The integration of advanced technology, paired with a user-friendly experience, positions Quickride as a compelling solution that meets the needs and expectations of Service Managers at car dealerships.

Are you ready to revolutionize your dealership services, attract a wider customer base, and skyrocket your profits? 

Implement Quickride's vehicle pickup and delivery today! Get Started Now.

Want to learn more before you get started?

Use the following calendar to schedule a 1-on-1 demo with a member from the Quickride team.